Friday, January 15, 2010

100 Best Dresses of the Decade

Jennifer Lopez in Versace, 2000

WHERE 42nd Annual Grammy Awards in Los Angeles

WHY WE LOVE IT "Her bravado is unbelievable. It’s funny because you want to tear the dress apart, yet when she showed up you couldn’t take your eyes off her."

Demi Moore in Donna Karan, 2001

WHERE Costume Institute Gala in New York City

WHY WE LOVE IT "There’s almost a deconstructed extravagance or luxury in this dress. The one shoulder gives it a goddess quality."

Jennifer Lopez in Alexander McQueen, 2002

MTV Video Music Awards in New York City
WHY WE LOVE IT "This was very 19th century swashbuckler. The big heavy locket and the curly hair make it a great look from top to bottom."

Kate Hudson in Valentino, 2003

WHERE 60th Annual Golden Globe Awards in Los Angeles

WHY WE LOVE IT "This is one of my favorite Valentino dresses ever. It’s not what you’d expect on a red carpet because it’s so riveting and untamed. The vibrant colors evoked Kate’s free spirit."

Scarlett Johansson in Calvin Klein, 2004

WHERE Costume Institute Gala in New York City
WHY WE LOVE IT "It has the neckline that someone in the court of Versailles would've worn— pushed up just enough to make it irresistible."

Hilary Swank in Guy Laroche, 2005

WHERE 77th Annual Academy Awards in Los Angeles
WHY WE LOVE IT "This was a really smart move on Hilary’s part. There are few things sexier than a dress with a very high front and a low back. It’s a deliberate attention-getter."

Halle Berry in Diane Von Furstenberg, 2006

WHERE On the USS Kearsager to kick off Fleet Week in New York City
WHY WE LOVE IT "It looks fresh, simple and happy. I can’t imagine a woman putting this dress on and not being in a good mood."

Natalie Portman in Lanvin, 2007

WHERE Lower Manhattan Cultural Council's Annual Spring Benefit in New York City
WHY WE LOVE IT "It’s a perfect choice for a young actress who’s transitioning. It’s young but still very urban."

Penelope Cruz in Chanel

Haute Couture, 2008

WHERE 80th Annual Academy Awards in Los Angeles
WHY WE LOVE IT "She has a wonderful sense of balance. It's a big dramatic gown with a sort of frilliness in the middle."

Keira Knightley in Vera Wang, 2009

WHERE 81st Annual Academy Awards in Los Angeles
WHY WE LOVE IT "It’s intricately draped and gathered then splashes out with just enough train. In this dress, a woman shows up on the red carpet a new-comer and walks away a star."


How To Get Rid Of A Toothache

Toothaches can be annoying, painful and downright distressing so anytime someone gets one the first thing they want to know is how I get rid of a toothache. After all, no one wants to lose sleep and be in pain. And nothing is worse then a pain in your head. Though there are a great many possible causes of toothaches, to the toothaches sufferer you could care less, all you want is a solution for the pain, you can find out the source later.

Of course, the top solution is to go and see a dentist. But not everyone can afford that or has the ability to drop what they are doing at that moment to run to a dentist and what happens if the toothache occurs at night? I don't know of any dentist I can call in the middle of the night to relieve my toothache, so instead we turn to other solutions.

To relieve your toothache, you can always try an over the counter anti-inflammatory or painkiller such as ibuprofen. It reduces swelling to the area and offers some pain relief so you may be able to sleep till the morning, when you can see a dentist. Another possibility would be a ice pack. Applied to the painful area you can reduce swelling and pain to give you a few more moments of time, before seeking dental attention. Try chewing gentle on a small onion. Some of the natural components to onions will help kill the bacteria in your mouth that could be causing your toothache and provide you with relief from the pain. Other prospective solutions could be Oragel or another topical area numbing product that you can purchase at your local drug store. Many drug stores are open all night so you should be able to seek this remedy no matter the hour. Of course, these are just possible solutions to alleviate your pain until you can seek dental attention to get to the possible cause of the toothache pain and relieve it permanently.

Getting rid of toothache pain doesn't have to be all that complicated. In case you do get toothaches you may want to keep one of the topical remedies on hand in your medicine cabinet; unless of course, you keep a regular stock of onions in your home. These techniques of course are just provided as tips to rid yourself of toothache pain, but it will only return unless you seek dental attention and get to the root of the pain.
Toothache pain can be the worse kind of pain. It makes you unable to eat, sleep, drink, concentrate, focus and for that matter enjoy anything at all. The worse part about it is its consistency. Its a slow steady throbbing pain that won't go away unless you use the proper remedies. Always keep in mind that no matter how severe your toothache may be, there is an always natural and medicated remedy that perform like magic and give you near instant results!

How to gaining weight

People of all ages, men and women, are facing more pressure than ever to look perfect. The idea of beauty or masculinity provided by mainstream media is a bit biased toward thin or muscular people. However, there are a small percentage of people who have the opposite problem- they are TOO thin and cannot gain weight. In this article, you will learn how to put on pounds the healthy way, without gaining too much fat.

To gain weight, it’s all about mathematics. If you take in more calories than you expend through daily activities and exercise, you will gain weight. An average adult should get two thousand calories per day, but those wanting to gain weight should try to get between 3,000 and 3,500 calories per day. To do this, eat your three meals per day and add to them with snacks in between.

When you’re shopping for food, read labels closely. Look at the counts for various nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fat, protein, and calories. Even if you are trying to put on a few pounds, you still want to take in a moderate amount of saturated fat. Good choices are potatoes, whole-grain cereals, lean red meats, cheese and nuts. All of these sorts of food help you put on pounds without adding unnecessary body fat.

When selecting a drink- instead of choosing water, choose a caloric beverage like juice or milk. If you are old enough and you like the taste, you can enjoy an occasional glass of wine, beer, or a mixed drink. Drinking your calories is an easy (and tasty) way to get them in.

Being underweight can be as stressful, unhealthy, and embarrassing as being overweight. By eating good fats in healthy portions, reading labels, and drinking calorically dense beverages, you can add weight to your frame without gaining too much fat.

This is about how to gaining weight , how to loss weight in one week , how to loss weight fast and easy.

how to get rid of your toothache pain quickly, easily and cheaply

If you're looking for something to ease your toothache pain, you've found the right site! I know that you or someone you love is in desperate pain right now, so let me get straight to the point.

My e-book will show you exactly how to ease or erase your toothache pain GUARANTEED! Even if you have an infection or abscess, you CAN stop the pain right now with a simple, cheap ingredient that just about everyone has in their home.
For more information click here to download this e-book instantly!

Remember, I offer a full guarantee that your toothache pain will be eased or erased within 30 minutes if you try this method.

Ease Toothache Pain e-book includes:

• My secret cure for toothache pain, in minutes you can be pain free!
• Easy to follow instructions for using this secret ingredient
• Additional toothache pain remedies in case you don't have the secret ingredient on hand
• The history of the secret ingredient, learn why it works

My Experience

One night I awoke in terrible pain, the entire side of my mouth was throbbing in pain. I tried pain pills, the OTC toothache gels, cold packs, hot packs, everything... while desperately searching my kitchen for something, anything to help ease my toothache pain, I remembered a remedy that I was told about years ago. I had heard about this remedy from a friend's grandmother, she swore by it. So, I thought, what have I got to lose? I'm willing to try anything at this point. Especially since it was a holiday weekend night and no dentists would be open for several days!

Desperate... I prepared the remedy. Lo and behold, after just a few minutes my pain was nearly gone. After a few more minutes it was totally gone and the swelling was starting to subside! I thought this was a miracle! It worked so well that when Monday rolled around, I didn't need to go to the dentist at all.

How To Cure Bad Breath In 7 Days (Or Less)


If you are interested in learning everything there is to know about curing bad breath, than this is going to be the most important information you'll ever read...


Recently, a new breakthrough in curing bad breath was discovered and reported in an amazing new eBook called 'Bad Breath be Gone!'

It's amazing, because it covers nearly every bit of information you wanted to know about curing bad breath, plus more...

You see as someone who suffered with bad breath for over six years I know what it is like to live day after day with this embarrassing problem.

For me the problem developed in my late teens with my friends making jokes at my expense calling me hurtful names like ‘dog breath’. Needless to say, I felt hurt and embarrassed.

I started to shy away from any social situations in which I would be in close contact with others so bars and night clubs were off the list.

I was afraid to speak up in group discussions in college and later meetings in work for fear that my embarrassing breath would be exposed and people would talk about me behind my back.

I tried everything I could think of to get rid of it. I was Brushing my teeth every day and carried a toothbrush and toothpaste with me at all times but it would only take a few hours for the problem to rear its ugly head.

I was doing exactly what the commercials were telling me but it just wasn’t working.

I had to find an alternative, a better way to get rid of bad breath that actually worked.

I spent over a year researching everything I could get my hands on about the causes and cures of bad breath.

What I found shocked and disturbed me…

You see I had always felt like I was alone; like I was the only one who had this problem and that there was something wrong with me.

I felt like I was in someway dirty or unhygienic and even like a failure because no matter what I tried I could not get rid of this problem.

What I realized through my research was that I was not alone and that millions of people have to suffer this problem.

But more importantly I learnt that there was hope…

So if you are feeling embarrassed, fed up or even depressed from living with and trying to cure bad breath then read this e-book and cure within 7 Days.

What you will find in this E-book.

How to find the right bad breath cure for you...

3 little known, yet simple ways that conventional medicine can help your cure bad breath...

Secret of expert bad breath specialists that few people ever know about...

3 proven steps to improve the way you clean your teeth and your mouth...

2 simple keys (that are right in front of your eyes) to understanding your bad breath problem...

WARNING: 3 things you should never do when it comes to trying to cure your bad breath...

You'll discover in just a few short minutes simple ways to avoid bad breath...

6 times tested and proven strategies for choosing the right natural or home remedy to cure your bad breath...

When to look to a professional for help...

7 everyday but often overlooked tips and tricks for stopping your bad breath habits...

A pennies on the dollar approach to finding a cure that works within your budget...

How often to brush your teeth...

How to adopt good oral hygiene into your routine.

The once famous but forgotten secret that instantly allows you to leave the embarrassment you feel about your bad breath behind...


How to Grow Hair Fast

Hair loss is one of those natural phenomena we see more and more in older males as we go about our daily activities but it is becoming more noticeable in younger men and we see more thinning of hair in females than we did previously. Of course there are many physical, environmental and psychological reasons for such occurrence which can all be remedied but we will focus on local treatment that one can perform himself.

Just after one has had a bath, and is drying the scalp, you will see evidence of falling strands hair on the towel or in ones hands. Similarly after combing your hair there will be some hair present and those who are losing their hair are somewhat concerned about it. The experts will tell you that this falling of hair occurrence is necessary for the replacement of old hair by fresh stronger and healthier hair so we need to be concerned when it is too heavy a loss.

Gloria Stephens is Salon Research Analyst. She has written a nice E-book “How to Grow Long Hair Faster”. You can find all tips for a good and style hair.

Growing Your Hair 5 Times Faster Is Just the Beginning

Maybe you don't really care about growing your hair faster... Maybe your one of the lucky few who’s never experienced a horrifying haircut, if that's you, there's some things you need to know…

Do you suffer from dandruff or a dry scalp? This step-by-step hair care system will stimulate your hair follicles, eliminating dandruff and providing a naturally healthy scalp.

Do you suffer from thinning hair?

If so, you're not alone... It's an extremely common problem for women, and with; Grow Your Hair Fast; you can start growing your hair back thicker and fuller than ever before

Is your hair damaged due to harsh chemicals or excessive sunlight?

Frazzled hair, split ends and other problems can be caused by using hair treatments, blow drying hair, and many other reasons... You can restore your hair to its natural healthy state in only 1-2 weeks!

All of this from a safe and natural step-by-step regiment that you can do right from the comfort of your own home!

The Secret Is A Combination Of Rapid Hair Follicle Rejuvenation And Intake Of Natural Vitamins That Grow Hair Faster And Healthier Than Previously Thought Possible..

You see the commercials on television everyday...; Revitalize your hair with our patented blend of essential oils and minerals to give your hair a shiny, shimmering look, guaranteed.

While many of these products DO in fact work, they cost a lot of money, and they don't work for everyone... And the fact of the matter is that the vast majority of these products don't even come close to the effectiveness of; How to Grow Hair Fast;

My proven combination of essential oils, vitamins, amino acids, hair follicle stimulation and a step-by-step easy to follow routine (that takes about the same amount of time as a standard shampoo and conditioning would take) completely blows the products out of the water...

There isn't a single product on the market that provides even of a fraction of the healthy benefits provided with; How to Grow Hair Fast. BUY NOW

Here Are Just Some of the Reasons Why Everyone Who Takes the Time to Try; How to Grow Hair Fast; Wonder How They Lived Without It Before

Hair Removal Guide

Imagine how carefree your life could be. No more embarrassment from wearing your swimsuit or shorts in public. No one calling you, "monkey butt", ever again. No more worries - Simply by knowing how to comfortably remove unwanted body hair from your buttocks.

It may be embarrassing, but having body hair on your buttocks is nothing to be ashamed of. Just like the color of your eyes and the size of your nose, whether you have a hairy butt is mostly determined by heredity.

The Ultimate Hair Removal Guide” is a must-read for anybody who wants baby smooth, hair free skin in all the right places!

It’s essential reading for anybody who:

Is fed up with battling the pain associated with hair removal!

Is sick and tired of ineffective hair removal treatments that fail to keep the werewolf at bay!

Is suffering from skin irritations related to hair removal treatments!

Wants to know how to effectively remove body hair from all the right places – without pain or stress!

Wants to enjoy putting on a swimsuit without the discomfort of incorrect waxing or shaving procedures!

Wants to enjoy a sensual, romantic evening without having to worry about painful hair removal treatments!

Is considering a permanent hair free solution!

Chances are, you’ve spent hundreds – even thousands – over the course of your life. Even so, you still find you

rself frustrated because it’s just not working for you. Maybe you aren’t achieving that baby smooth look and feel you want? Maybe you are prone to irritations?

If that’s you, your day – and your skin- are about to get a whole lot better!

That’s because right now you can get your own, instantly downloadable copy of “The Ultimate Hair Removal Guide” for just $67$27.50– but only if you are among the first 50 people to order by the end of this month! BUY NOW

You read that co


For half the price of the simplest hair removal cream out there, you can get your hands on the best e-book around for hair removal advice – and enjoy a hair free lifestyle!

And you can enjoy it by employing either temporary or permanent hair removal applications that won’t leave you suffering from skin irritations or cuts!

The advice and instruction covered in this e-book will get you enjoying your hair free body in next to no time and without pain or stress GUARANTEED!

How to Lose Weight Forever | Fat Loss Secrets

Losing weight is an upheaval task and requires patience along with rigorous physical training. However, due the hectic life schedules and stressful life style, people are unable to take out time for physical activities and want to get rid of their extra weight with a snap of finger. However, thanks to the advancement of medical sciences that has made gastric bypass surgery for obesity a reality.

This gastric bypass surgery for obesity has made weight loss an easy procedure. since the invention and introduction of various medical surgical techniques it has become easier to get treated for diseases in comparison to the earlier times. In fact, this technique is gaining popularity amongst the people who suffer from the morbid obesity but gastric bypass surgery costs between $20000 to $25000 on average. So it is not for middle class family.

Shoron is a house wife and she stayed at Los angels. She looks for how she loses some weight from his body. She came to know about gastric bypass surgery but she afford that price and lastly he found a good E-book and Sharon followed the Insulin Buster Plan outlined in How to Lose Weight Forever.

The Insulin Buster Plan is precisely designed for those who are carb-sensitive and for those who have type 2 diabetes.

Sharon lost an amazing 11 pounds of sheer body fat and never lost an ounce of lean muscle tissue!

Sharon sliced her body fat, boosted her metabolism, regained her overall health, and is loving life!

Sharon was an overweight child and an anorexic teenager. The got married and had kids at a very young. With such as stressful start in life, Sharon self-medicated herself for 10 years with food for "healing." She woke up one day at 265 pounds and absolutely miserable.

Sharon drew up the courage to go and meet with a personal trainer. He said "the best you could ever hope for, if you are lucky, is to hit 200 pounds, and that's pushing it".

Personally, I was flabbergasted that a personal trainer would ever make this remark to someone seek out help.

Most people would have given up after such a comment from an authoritative figure, but Sharon gave this "personal trainer" a piece of her mind and went on to educate herself on fitness and nutrition.

Sharon incorporated the Insulin Buster Plan outlined in the How to Lose Weight System, which is specifically designed for those who are insulin resistant and/or obese. On this program Sharon has successfully dropped her weight to a stunning 186 pounds.

Sharon's long-term goal is 145 pounds, and I know, as a "personal trainer" and success coach, that she will indeed reach her ultimate goal. I'm with her all the way, cheering her on and helping to push her across the finish line!

So no need to spend thousand of Dollar. The amount of weight-loss information in How to Lose Weight Forever is priceless. Clients pay hundreds of dollars a month for this inside information.

This one-of-a kind eBook "Lose Weight Forever" will retail for $59.95. However, if you order RIGHT NOW you will get it for a special introductory price of $39.95! BUY NOW

For the price it takes to fill your car up with gas, you can have 20 years of weight-loss experience, research, trial and error, personal experimentations, and those unpublicized weight-loss secrets the media and fitness don't want you to know about.

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Naturally Skinsational ~ Rejuvenating Skin Care Recipes

The Naturally Skinsational eBook shares the simple secrets that will teach you how to use the potent rejuvenating properties of common all natural ingredients to effectively rejuvenate your skin.

Did you know that the emerging science of "neutraceuticals" is taking the
anti-aging market by storm?

Well, do you know that these miraculous rejuvenating neutraceuticals are simply natural substances that have powerful anti-aging properties? (Psst. . . and they are all right in your very own kitchen cupboard.)

Beginning with natural skin care scrub recipes, toners, and facial steams to peels, wraps, under eye treatments and moisturizers there is simply no other anti-aging skin care recipe book that comprehensively addresses the rejuvenating needs of all skin types and aging skin care issues like "Naturally Skinsational" does.

Chapter Outline:

  • Introduction: Saving Face ~ Naturally
  • Skin Essentials
  • Getting Started
  • Facial Mask Natural Recipes
  • Facial Scrub Natural Recipes
  • Facial Toner Natural Recipes
  • Facial Steam Natural Recipes
  • Facial Mists for Skin Spritzing
  • Rejuvenating Moisturizer Recipes
  • Anti-Aging Facial Wraps
  • Under Eye Treatments
  • Special Occasion Recipes
  • Natural Skin Care Ingredient Glossary
  • Resources
  • References

Dr. Sue Dolan, M.Ed.,She is a researcher and instructor on anti-aging skin care and facial rejuvenation for the Skin Care Resource Center.

She providing a good Book with a best method how to avoid all skin problem like..

* Wrinkles
* Fine Lines
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* Crows Feet
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She is now 54 but she look likes as beautiful lady.

She intrducing her book "Naturally Skinsational" with very affordable prices just $19.95. Buy Now

Don't forget, for only $19.95 you'll receive...

* Naturally Skinsational with over 135 skin care facial recipes and
56 skin care tips.

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Bonus: Our brand new Recipe Card Starter Collection for the next 100 clients.



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