Friday, January 15, 2010

How To Get Rid Of A Toothache

Toothaches can be annoying, painful and downright distressing so anytime someone gets one the first thing they want to know is how I get rid of a toothache. After all, no one wants to lose sleep and be in pain. And nothing is worse then a pain in your head. Though there are a great many possible causes of toothaches, to the toothaches sufferer you could care less, all you want is a solution for the pain, you can find out the source later.

Of course, the top solution is to go and see a dentist. But not everyone can afford that or has the ability to drop what they are doing at that moment to run to a dentist and what happens if the toothache occurs at night? I don't know of any dentist I can call in the middle of the night to relieve my toothache, so instead we turn to other solutions.

To relieve your toothache, you can always try an over the counter anti-inflammatory or painkiller such as ibuprofen. It reduces swelling to the area and offers some pain relief so you may be able to sleep till the morning, when you can see a dentist. Another possibility would be a ice pack. Applied to the painful area you can reduce swelling and pain to give you a few more moments of time, before seeking dental attention. Try chewing gentle on a small onion. Some of the natural components to onions will help kill the bacteria in your mouth that could be causing your toothache and provide you with relief from the pain. Other prospective solutions could be Oragel or another topical area numbing product that you can purchase at your local drug store. Many drug stores are open all night so you should be able to seek this remedy no matter the hour. Of course, these are just possible solutions to alleviate your pain until you can seek dental attention to get to the possible cause of the toothache pain and relieve it permanently.

Getting rid of toothache pain doesn't have to be all that complicated. In case you do get toothaches you may want to keep one of the topical remedies on hand in your medicine cabinet; unless of course, you keep a regular stock of onions in your home. These techniques of course are just provided as tips to rid yourself of toothache pain, but it will only return unless you seek dental attention and get to the root of the pain.
Toothache pain can be the worse kind of pain. It makes you unable to eat, sleep, drink, concentrate, focus and for that matter enjoy anything at all. The worse part about it is its consistency. Its a slow steady throbbing pain that won't go away unless you use the proper remedies. Always keep in mind that no matter how severe your toothache may be, there is an always natural and medicated remedy that perform like magic and give you near instant results!


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